The controller of this web page is:
La Savina Cars Motos S.L., a company inscribed in the province of the BALEARIC ISLANDS’ Commercial Registry under , holder of C.I.F. (Fiscal ID) B-07832736, and with registered office at Edf. Almadraba, 14 - La Savina 07860 Formentera (BALEARIC ISLANDS)
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La Savina Cars Motos S.L. declares having obtained the information and the materials included in the website’s client area from sources considered reliable, nevertheless, although the appropriate measures have been taken to ensure that the information is correct, La Savina Cars Motos S.L. cannot guarantee that the same is exact and updated.
Furthermore, please note that the content of this website serves two purposes, one of which is to inform about quality, situation, services and fees, and the other refers to the sale of products.
Regardless of the cause, La Savina Cars Motos S.L. shall be held harmless of any and all responsibility in the event of interruptions or malfunction of the services or contents offered over the Internet. Similarly, La Savina Cars Motos S.L. shall not be held accountable for network failures or loss of business as a consequence of said failures, temporary suspensions to the electric flow or any other indirect damage that may be caused to the Users for reasons not attributable to La Savina Cars Motos S.L.
Despite making every effort to avoid this kind of incident, La Savina Cars Motos S.L. neither declares nor guarantees the services or contents to be uninterrupted or free of faults, that these faults are corrected, or that the service or server providing them is free of viruses or any other harmful components. Checking the information received from other sources is hereby recommended should the User make certain decisions or carry out actions based on the information included in any of the websites.
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As a consequence, all the contents displayed in the different websites, and in particular the designs, text, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, commercial names, brands, industrial blueprints or any other signs that may be used industrially and commercially are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights belonging to La Savina Cars Motos S.L. or third parties owning them or having duly authorised their inclusion in the different websites.
The contents, images, forms, opinions, indexes and any other formal expressions that form part of the Web pages, in addition to the software needed for their operation and viewing, shall also constitute works within the definition of Author Rights, and as such, they are protected by any and all applicable Intellectual Property international conventions and national legislation. The non-fulfilment of the foregoing implies committing serious illicit acts and is subject to civil and penal law sanctions.
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La Savina Cars Motos S.L. is free to limit access to the Web pages and the products and/or services offered within it, as well as the consequent publishing of opinions, observations, images or comments the Users may send via email.
Furthermore, should La Savina Cars Motos S.L. consider it appropriate, and without prejudice to the User’s exclusive responsibility, it may establish any necessary filters to prevent contents or opinions published through its Web pages that may be considered racist, xenophobic, discriminatory, pornographic, slanderous, or that might otherwise encourage violence or the dissemination of clearly illicit or harmful contents from leaking to the internet.
Unless otherwise stated in clear, unmistakable terms, in cases where this might be possible due to the nature of the services or contents, Users sending observations, opinions or comments by email to the La Savina Cars Motos S.L. Web pages’ suggestions department are understood to authorise La Savina Cars Motos S.L. to reproduce, distribute, exhibit, transmit, retransmit and divulge said observations, opinions or comments throughout the legally-foreseen copyright protection time in any format, as well as to store them in physical or digital formats, to place them at the disposal of databases belonging to La Savina Cars Motos S.L. and to translate, adapt, arrange or in any other manner transform them.
Similarly, this authorisation is understood to be carried out free of charge, and by simply sending these observations, opinions or comments via email, Users hereby waive any pretension of remuneration from La Savina Cars Motos S.L.
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The use of any technical, digital or technological resources by virtue of which a third party may benefit – whether directly or indirectly, with or without profit – from any of the contents, forms, indexes and any other formal expressions that form part of the Web pages, including the hard work carried out by La Savina Cars Motos S.L. for their correct functioning, is hereby forbidden. Specifically, the establishment of links, hyperlinks, framing or similar that may point to the La Savina Cars Motos S.L. Web pages is hereby forbidden without express prior written consent from La Savina Cars Motos S.L. Any breach of what is foreseen in this section will be considered an infringement of the legitimate Intellectual Property of La Savina Cars Motos S.L. Web pages and all the contents contained within them.
La Savina Cars Motos S.L. shall be held harmless from any consequences derived from any of the aforementioned conducts and attitudes, and shall similarly not be responsible for any contents, services, products, etc., pertaining to third parties that may be accessed directly through banners, links, hyperlinks, framing or similar links from La Savina Cars Motos S.L. websites.